
It Takes over 10 years to Make the Amazing Long Bamboo Flutes.

It Takes over 10 years to Make the Amazing Long Bamboo Flutes. It Takes over 10 years to Make the Amazing Long Bamboo Flutes.

Long Bamboo Flute: Shakuhachi

Shakuhachi Craftsman: Ohagi Yasuyoshi (大萩 康喜さん)
Born in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture in 1985
Teacher: Nishida Roshuu (西田 露秋さん)

The shakuhachi is a Japanese and Chinese longitudinal, end-blown bamboo-flute.

It was originally introduced from China into Japan in the 7th century and underwent resurgence in the early Edo period (17th century). The oldest shakuhachi in Japan is currently stored in Shōsō-in, Nara. The shakuhachi is traditionally made of bamboo, but versions now exist in ABS and hardwoods. It was used by the monks of the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism in the practice of suizen (blowing meditation).

The instrument is tuned to the minor pentatonic scale.

The craftsman collects bamboo by looking at the spacing, thickness, and bending condition of the nodes.

If it is not treated under and dried for at least two years, it will not become a material for the shakuhachi.

► You can also Buy SHAKUHACHI with Root End Pentatonic Zen instrument on Amazon:

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Bamboo Woodworking,Shakuhachi,Flute,Instrument,Long Bamboo Flute,Highest Level Traditional Bamboo Flute,Highest Class of Bamboo Flute,Master Craftsmen,Master Craftsman,Highly-Skilled Carpenters,Skilled Craftsmen,Skilled Hands,Hand Tools,Fastest Hand Craft,

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