Adya says all her works are channelled.
She says: ’They all come through in different ways, so… some things come through when I actually get a vision, like an imprint or I guess you could call it an inspirational idea, and I will then go out and paint that. I will be guided to certain perhaps references or anything that I will need to see how that will be painted because from your imagination it can sometimes be a bit tough with things like the hand gestures. But basically the vision will come through and I know what I’m painting.’
‘Generally, though, it will appear on the canvas on its own. It will start as an idea and then it will be refined on the canvas.’
‘With the personalised guides that I paint – I paint angels as well, guardian angels and galactic portraits as well, and fairies and things like that. I intend, I open my channel and I connect to the guide of the person I’m painting for, that’s quite a journey because I don’t really know what it’s going to be… and then it just appears.’
For more on Adya Nova, her artwork and the services she offers, visit:
About the show…
The Alexandra Wenman Show is a webTV series focusing on mind, body, spirit, wellbeing and all things to do with awakening consciousness.
As a healer and spiritual channel, Alexandra has created a platform through which to share the wealth of wisdom rising on the planet with the return of the Divine feminine. The show offers inspiration from expert interviews with authors, healers, teachers and visionaries to news, events, festivals, sacred travel and retreats.
Some of the topics covered include crystals, angels, Alchemy, symbolism, shamanism, energy healing, starseeds, Ascension, Akashic Records, quantum physics, DNA and genetics, UFOlogy, sacred geometry, astrology, channelling, psychic development and divination, self-help, mindfulness, yoga, reiki and meditation.
Our goal is to normalise conversations about spirituality and the global awakening in order to empower individuals to co-create a world full of love.
Alexandra Wenman’s Precious Wisdom
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Other videos by Alexandra:
Alisha Brache on twin Flames and Light Conception:
Alison Gowdridge on Ascension and Chanelling:
Lou Martin on Channelling and Opening the Heart:
Nick Williams on Inspired Leadership:
Krysia Newman on Awakened Beauty:
Tash Mitch on Sacred Geometry:
Hira Hosen on Ascension:
Karen Baker on Crystal Children:
Jimmy Church on Alien Discolsure:
Stephen Moralee, Depth Coach and artist: