

YOUR BUSINESS DOESN'T START UNTIL YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST $1 Monetizing your business allows you to continue your business, it allows you to make the jump from hobby to business and support your family and help your people even more. If you are not making money you can’t have a business. And if you don’t have a business you can’t serve your people to your highest degree possible.

FREE TRAINING! Are you ready to learn The New Way Influencers Are Creating Content That Quickly Grows a Raving, Engaged Audience? Join the free training starting September 23

Gurus and mentors they are teaching you how to grow your audience, how to get your content to rank, how to create 10 different content pieces a week, but that’s how to be like everyone else. If you’re not bringing in any income, you’re not taking responsibility for the health of your business and you’ll quickly get to burn out when you realize you can’t go on not being paid for the work you’re doing anymore.

Now I know what you are thinking. You’re going to say you don’t know what you do that you could be paid for. THIS IS THE WORK YOU MUST BE DOING. This is what we must concentrate on with my 1:1 clients in my groups and inside Shift U. We figure out who you help, how you help them, and how you get paid for that.

And when they earned their first dollar everything changed. They realized that they could do it. Because if you can earn a dollar you can earn a hundred and a thousand and a hundred thousand. They realized what was possible and now the true business work began.

So would you rather be comfortable or profitable?

Are you ready to learn The New Way Influencers Are Creating Content That Quickly Grows a Raving, Engaged Audience? Join the free training starting September 23

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