
The Market - EZ Real Estate Life

The Market - EZ Real Estate Life Hey guys, today I want to talk to you about the market.
I get a lot of questions. People ask me, hey Dave, what do you think of the market? What do you think the market's going to do? You think we're going to have another recession, another crash? What do you think? What do you think I should do?
Well, guess what guys? The market's the market. It's always going up, down, sideways. It never stays still. If you're waiting on the market and it sit still long enough, you can do something. You're just wasting your time. The market doesn't do that. You've got to get your head wrapped around the fact that if a property is a good deal, it's a good deal as long as you can get it under, get it bought and get a little bit of leeway in there and says that if the market does go down, you're not going to be buried, then go for it.
Where I find a lot of people have their fear is, they're trying to deal with banks and get a 90% loan on a rental property. You know you want you do that, and you wind up with making 100 – 150 - 200 dollars a month on a property that you're going to have to rent for 30 years to pay off. Well guess what? It ain't going to work. You're going to get blown up. Eventually air conditioners go bad roofs go back. 30 years is a long time.
The best thing you can do as a hedge to make sure you don't get caught out like all those people did back in 2008 is don't deal with banks. Find other investors to borrow money from. Do joint ventures, deal with hard money lenders, you know, find somebody that's willing to do a 9% interest. They're out there. I found them. Heck, I know people that actually will loan money to you for 6% long term as long as your ratios are low enough.
So, don't worry so much about what the market's going to do.
Worry about finding a good deal. You know, if you don't really get nervous about staying in the market, find that good deal and flip it to somebody else. You can make money without having to go crazy about, you know, worried about the market every day and laying up sweating every night. This weekend we've got a hurricane out in the, Atlantic, I think Dorian or something like that. And everybody's going nuts. We've got enough problems as investors to worry about without having to worry about what the market's going to do.
Get it bought low. Get yourself a little spread in there and you'll be okay in the end.
All right guys, well that's all for today. I'll talk to you later.

People are always asking me about “The Market”
What I think, what they should do.
Here’s my take on it.

real estate investing,real estate market forecast,real estate flipping,

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