While being smart or privileged certainly helps, it’s often not the case. It’s often through a lot of struggle and hardship that people come out on the other end. Aside from having a growth mindset, those who become successful also have a strong sense of self. They are aware of what’s ‘wrong’ in their lives, and they are driven and motivated to change it.
If you wonder whether or not you have what it takes to be successful, grab a pen and a piece of paper, and watch this video. There are 21 signs in total, so make a list from 1 to 21. As you watch the video, put a checkmark for each point that you resonate with.
If you check for most of these signs you will be successful!
Music: Epidemic Sound
Visuals: VideoBlocks / Dreamstime / Other
Voice-over Recording, Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose