
Mr T Mapogo - Tribute to A True Warrior - The Glorious King of Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Mr T Mapogo - Tribute to A True Warrior - The Glorious King of Sabi Sand Game Reserve Legends don't die. Such is the case of Mr. T Mapogo who fought until the very end. Even though he was heavily outnumbered he still went on to accept the challenge and stood for his territory and gave his life.
He lost the fight but won hearts. There's a reason he's the most famous and beloved Lion in the history of this world.
Mr. T was a member of The Famous Mapogo Lion Coalition. He along with his 5 brothers started conquering back in 2006. Their reign continued until 12 March 2012 when Mr. T died.
He truly lived like a Male Lion and he died like a Male Lion.

This is a memorial video.


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