What does HOW COME mean?
HOW COME? is a very popular expression used in every English conversation, movie, TV as everyday life.
It is very important for you to know its meaning.
HOW COME? means WHAT’S THE REASON (THAT)? , it is especially used when you are surprised about it.
HOW COME? is used in the same meaning as WHY? But there slightly different in usage.
How come you told him? The same meaning as Why did you tell him?
You don’t know? How come? the same meaning as You don’t know? How come?
HOW COME? are used
To ask why something has happened.
To ask how something has happened.
To ask about the reason for something.
To ask why a particular situation or thing exists.
HOW COME Meaning (1) ask why something has happene.
So how come you missed the bus to your homeland?
How come you never asked me what happened?
HOW COME Meaning (2) ask how something has happened.
How come you meet her here?
You can do it. How come?
HOW COME Meaning (3) ask about the reason for something
So how come you got an invitation and not me?
How come Obama and his family know my name?
How come Sopheap is home? Isn’t she feeling well?
HOW COME Meaning (4) ask why a particular situation/thing exists
How come the sky is blue?
How come the world is round?
How come Russia is the biggest country?
HOW COME in coversations
Conversation 1
A: I don't think I can go the party tomorrow.
B: How come?
Conversation 2
A: I didn't even eat lunch today.
B: Really? How come?
Conversation 3
A: We have to stop in Kampong Thom for 2 hours.
B: How come?
**But HOW COME is used especially when you are surprised.
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Learn English Khmer | Conversation in Hotel, Check In
Learn English Khmer | Conversation in Hotel, Check Out
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