
Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael

Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael

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Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael
Channeled through Natalie Glasson– Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I extend my angelic love to greet you, I am Archangel Raphael. I wish to come forth to continue the conversation and communication of Archangel Gabriel by speaking of the presence of love; the love of the Creator. Archangel Gabriel emphasised the importance of connecting with the source of love within your being, embodying this love and radiating it into the world to create love in action. By achieving this you will be transported to experience the next level of love consciousness available to you, while supporting the Earth in doing the same. Thus, a new conscious awareness born from the essence of your being will manifest. As it weaves its way into the fabric and rhythm of life on the Earth so transformation will take place.
It is time for you to trace your love until you find its core and essence, then rest within that.
I invite you to take a few deep breathes and let your awareness guide you deeper and deeper into your inner space of love. Take time to explore and experience your inner core and essence of love.
It is often in my experience that many perceive they already understand the love of the Creator and the presence of love within their beings. This is to neglect the power of love and the transformation love in action can create. I, Archangel Raphael, invite you to trace or explore the love source within your being as if you have no previous understanding of love. In doing so you will let go of your current belief systems concerning love and allow for new awareness to dawn. There is so much more to understand about the love of the Creator, sometimes a belief that you already understand love can block your further connection and embodiment of love. Ensure you take time to contemplate the presence of love within you from an open mind and heart.


Love and the Higher Levels of Creation by Archangel Raphael,Archangel Raphael,Natalie Glasson,Sacred School of OmNa,Archangel Gabriel,Love,omna,I am love in all its truth,#natalieglasson,#SacredSchoolofOmNa,Channeled Messages,Channeling,Angels,Archangels,archangel meditation,Love and the Higher Levels,Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,angelic love,angel messages 2019,angel messages,,

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