
Kneeling At the Well - Vesica Pisces and the Feminine Divine

Kneeling At the Well - Vesica Pisces and the Feminine Divine You were once deeply connected to the Divine energy of the Sacred Feminine. Do you remember? You once knew when you had reached your soul-home. Do you remember? Join Deb Bowen and Maeven Eller-Five as we explore one of the most sacred symbols of the Divine Feminine – the Vesica Pisces, and what it means in your life. We will learn and celebrate our connection to the Goddess and to each other in this experiential workshop. -Deb Bowen

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To learn more about Deb Bowen go to:
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Facebook - Deb & Friends: Quest For Connection
Instagram - deb.bowen.crone

To learn more about Maeven Eller-Five go to:
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Facebook - maevensmagickallife
Instagram - maevensmagickallife

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Deb Bowen,Deb Bowen and friends quest for connection,Maeven Eller-Five,Maeven Eller,Maevensmagickallife,Chalice Well,Vesica Pisces,Glastonbury,Avalon,Feminine Divine,Betwixt & Between Community Center,Psychic Teachers Podcast,CroneWorks,

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