
Hurricane Dorian 💯 man-made is a wind storm with rain like Hurricane Michael #Geoengineering DOD

Hurricane Dorian 💯 man-made is a wind storm with rain like Hurricane Michael #Geoengineering DOD Mike Morales Weather Video

Amanda Grace

1. As the day arises I decree my portion be given to me in Jesus name
2. Every Rod of affliction from the second heavens, Lord I ask you to break in the name of Jesus
3. Any problem that wants to kill me, must be killed in my place in jesus name
4. Every mouth speaking against me with satanic anointing, as the sun comes up I command those arrows be transferred back to them in the name of Jesus
5. Every arrow of ancestral witchcraft I command the fire of God to destroy in Jesus name
6. Every negative flying power delegated against my destiny, I loose the angels of the Lord of all rankings and divisions to pursue you, in the name of Jesus
7. I take authority over this day in the name of Jesus
8. I draw upon heavenly resources today in the name of Jesus
9. I confess that this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it, in the name of Jesus
10. I decree these elemental forces will refuse to cooperate with my enemies this day, in Jesus name
11. I pull down every negative energy planning to operate against my life today in Jesus name
12. I dismantle any power that is uttering incantations to capture this day in Jesus name
13. I render null and void such incantations and satanic prayers over me and my family in Jesus name
14. O God arise and uproot everything you have not planted in the heavenlies that is working against me in Jesus name
15. As the sun comes forth I command all wickedness that has come against my life is uprooted in the name of Jesus
16. Those who spend the night pulling me down as the sun comes up I command they are thrown away in the name of Jesus
17. I establish the power of God over the heavenlies in the name of Jesus
18. Let the heavenlies torment every unrepentant enemy to submission in the name of Jesus
19. I destroy every satanic connection between the heavenlies and my place of birth in Jesus name
20. Every spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies that will reinforce against me and my destiny today, be disgraced by the blood of Jesus
21. Every dark power hidden in the heavenlies against me I command be pulled down in the name of Jesus
22. Every evil arrangement prepared by the sorcerers and witches against my life today let scatter and die in Jesus name
23. Every negative thing written into the cycle of the moon against me today, be blotted out in the name of Jesus
24. I dismantle every satanic calendar for my life today in Jesus name
25. I terminate every evil agreement between my enemies and the heavenlies in the name of Jesus
26. I stand against every satanic operation that would hinder my prayers today in Jesus name
27. I bind away every power cursing my destiny into ineffectiveness in the name of Jesus command it be cast to a dry place bound and banished in Jesus name and that none can be sent in their place in Jesus name
28. I strike every evil power siponing my blessings, with chaos and confusion in Jesus name
29. I render every local satanic weapon harmless in Jesus name


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