
░ BEST PC|MOUSE Fortnite Settings in my opinion by π˜ͺ𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘳π˜ͺ𝘧π˜ͺ𝘦π˜₯ ░

░ BEST PC|MOUSE Fortnite Settings in my opinion by π˜ͺ𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘳π˜ͺ𝘧π˜ͺ𝘦π˜₯ ░ . This video is mainly aimed at keyboard and mouse players rather than console (Xbox + PS4) because I am a keyboard and mouse player. There will be some overlap to help you out but this will focus on keyboard and mouse sensitivites. The first aspect is DPI which stands for dots per inch and is a measure of how sensitive your mouse is. In Fortnite, it's only used to swap weapons but also contributes to your overall sense through your eDPI (effective dots per inch). eDPI is a combination of your DPI and in-game sens so both DPI and in-game sens are important to find. For finding your in-game x and y sens, I recommend the PSA method. The PSA method starts with finding the sensitivity at which you can do a perfect 360 while swiping your mouse from one side to the other. After that, try out the base value and if you don't like it, try the higher and lower values to see which you prefer more. Choose which you like more and the calculator will spit out a new base value for you to try as well as new higher and lower options if you don't like the base value. Lastly, I cover how to find your ADS and scoped sensitivity using an aim training map from Beaks. Either start at 1.0 or .5 and work your way up or down to something you find comfortable through trial and error.

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Topics Covered: best fortnite sensitivity, fortnite pc sensitivity guide, fortnite how to find the perfect sensitivity, fortnite how to find sensitivity, fortnite best pc settings, fortnite console sensitivity, fortnite xbox ps4 sensitivity, fortnite best in-game sensitivity, fortnite best sens, fortnite keyboard and mouse sens, fortnite ads scoped sens, fortnite dpi, fortnite edpi, fortnite sensitivity guide, fortnite PSA method sensitivity

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