
A Cow's Calendar and Nutritional Changes It Brings

A Cow's Calendar and Nutritional Changes It Brings On the ranch we live by two calendars, a traditional one that we all are know and love and another that can be unpredictable, moody and cranky, a cow's calendar. Today we look at how a cows calendar works, what makes it important and how it can help us be better managers of our herd.

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Our Wyoming Life
PO Box 667
Gillette WY 82717

Join us on our journey as we leave a life in corporate america to come back to Wyoming and help on the family ranch.

Our Wyoming Life features our Wyoming ranch and our ranch family. Giving you a look into the workings of ranching from raising cattle to raising and harvesting crops. Erin will join you weekly out of the garden, showing you how she helps provide for our family through growing produce and selling at local farmers markets, and Mike will take you along as he tends to the animals and land of ranch, from calving to fencing to planting and harvesting hay.

Ranch,cow,cows,horses,cowboy,gardening,farmers market,Wyoming,our Wyoming life,animals,animal videos,peacock,farming,planting,cattle,ranching,cow cycle,cow production cycle,a year in a cows life,cow nutrition,creep feeding calves,protein requirements for cows,agriculture,wyoming ranch,ranch life,cattleman,

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