
Touhou 17 ~ WBaWC Blind Extra Clear

Touhou 17 ~ WBaWC Blind Extra Clear While the main game is fairly hard, the extra stage is unexpectedly easy. I managed to clear it on my first try, which is something I haven't been even close to managing with any other Touhou game. I even captured most spellcards, including the final spell.

I could probably even perfect this extra with relatively little grinding.

In general the game is great and feels more polished than 15 and 16. Most patterns are fun, the aesthetics are pleasing and I like how all characters are actually viable choices for survival while Reimu has had a habit of generally dominating the previous games (with some exceptions like Reisen in TH15 if you enjoy spamming bombs).

For criticism, bullet visibility is extremely poor in some cases, the stage 4 and 6 bosses have some patterns that are too tight IMO (getting close to a key-press precision challenge rather than reading the patterns), and while it might just be my taste, the music is forgettable. Overall it sounds great, but there's no single track like Crazy Backup Dancers that'd stick playing in my head for years.

Will likely also upload a lunatic clear when I've managed to do it.

Touhou,Touhou 17,Wily Beast and Weakest Creature,WBaWC,Extra,Extra Stage,Clear,Reimu,Wolf,ReimuWolf,Blind,Gameplay,

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