
Student Organ Bath Basic Parts and Function (हिंदी वर्सन)

Student Organ Bath  Basic Parts and Function (हिंदी वर्सन) Pharmacology- Pharmacology is made-up of two main words- ‘Pharma’ + ‘Logy’ in some books there is Pharmakon in the place of Pharma, but to make you better understand we have made little changes. Pharma is related with drug or medicine and logy means- to study. So if we merge these two words together, this will become- PHARMACOLOGY.
“To study the complete life cycle of drugs as per pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profile is known as Pharmacology” now again we have got two new words- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic

Student organ bath or simply an organ bath is an apparatus widely used in pharmacology laboratory and various educational Institutes, research and development sector. Organ bath is not a single apparatus but it is a combination of many small units.

When we have to perform the in-vitro studies of any given drug, we need to isolate the organ from a suitable experimental animal. Once the organ is isolated it should be immediately transferred into a physiological salt solution (PSS). Organ bath is having several important component and assembly as mentioned above; all are equally important and have individualized functions. Once the organ is placed in PSS other arrangement are made.

Description of various parts
1. Bath chamber- Bath chamber is made of good quality plastic (PVC) it is of two types- Single unit and double unit. In single unit there is only one place for organ tube, thus you can perform one study at one time, or you need to wash the tissue with PSS before changing drug. Double unit organ bath is having two holding place for organ tube, that’s why we can perform two studies at same time. It depend on you whether you want to check the effect of various dose of same drug or you can check two separate drug’s effect on muscle. At the bottom of bath chamber there is two outlets, one is for drainage of water and second is for the PSS.
2. Organ Tube- Organ tube is the soul of organ bath because the king of experiment lies or rest in this chamber. Organ tube is a glass tube having two sides opening. Out of which one is for expelling used PSS and second is for inlet of PSS. PSS is not filled directly from the top of organ tube, but it is filled from this side inlet unit.
3. Glass coil- Glass coil is coil-like structure (As name indicate) its function is very simple. If we supply PSS directly to the organ tube from straight pipe, its temperature may not be equal to outer temperature that is about 370C, so the PSS is supplied through this pipe, by doing so the PSS take a longer time to reach organ tube and contact time of PSS increase with water available in the bath chamber and thus the temperature of PSS slightly increase and matched with outer temperature.
4. PSS reservoir- PSS reservoir is a simple vessel which holds PSS to be supplied to organ in organ tube. PSS is essential solution containing all electrolytes which are necessary for the intact tissue. These include maintenance of is tonicity, conductivity and contractility etc. Example of PSS includes- (1) Frog ringer solution (2) Ringer or Ringer Locke solution (3) De Jalon solution (4) Tyroid solution (5) Kerbs-Henslet solution.
5. Heater- Heater is heating devices which maintain the desired (370C) temperature of the water inside the organ bath. Optimum temperature is important for the tissue attached in an organ bath because this help to maintain its live condition. And the contraction or relaxation of muscle may be affected by variation in temperature.

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