Please subscribe my channel, named as " parrot beak aseel birds fights". These cocks are good but not as pakistani cocks. These cocks are usually belong to south India tamilmadu, and the second name is, Madrassi cocks. These are so beautiful that have small parrot like beaks and a good height. Cocks lovers like these birds, for their small beaks and attractive height. These are found in Tamalmadu , India. These birds have the quality of unique size, as compared to other ordinary aseel cocks, as they have small parrot like beak, long tail, good height and reasoinable big size. I hope you all viewers, like the videos of these birds and get information from these videos, about aseel parrot beak cocks. Their breed is wordly wide and the lovers of these birds are attracted by their colours, or structure or many other different qualities. When these birds shed their feathers and get the new ones, they are much more shiny than the previous ones, this is also their another good quality. So in other words, these birds are rare, expensive and charming , that the people like them very much.
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