Dr. Nadir Ali is a practicing Interventional Cardiologist in the Clear Lake and Bay Area community for the last 20+ years. We are extremely proud of his dedication and the hard work he puts in on a daily basis.
He has a several years of experience in the Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) diet in the treatment of metabolic disease, diabetes, heart disease and to improve the quality of cholesterol. He and his team give a free diet seminar for his patients once a month on the last Wednesday of every month at 6 pm at the Searcy Auditorium in the Clear Lake Heart and Vascular Institute. This conference has had more than 100 attendees for each session consistently for the last 6+ years.
We are currently in the process of setting our clinic up for telemedicine consultations. If you might be interested in an Online Consultation, please visit our website (listed below) to get updates on when those services become available.
Website (Currently under construction): www.eatmostlyfat.com
You can find all of Dr. Ali’s older Videos under our Playlist:
Facebook group:
For Business inquiries or speaking engagements, please email us at info@eatmostlyfat.com
Far Away by Declan DP Licensing Agreement 2.0 (READ) Music promoted by Audio Library