Dentistry by John Barras DDS
1330 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77056
Hi, I'm John Barras, a cosmetic dentist here in Houston, Texas.
Many patients ask if insurance assists or cover veneers? The answer, frankly, is that dental insurance will assist with fillings, cavities, broken down teeth. A lot of times it will assist with porcelain crowns, toothaches, maybe root canals. They'll assist with cleanings, x-rays. That's kind of your general scope of what they'll assist with. Dental insurance plans typically will assist somewhere between $1000 and $3000 in a year, and they'll usually make partial payments based on what treatment is done. They usually don't assist 100% with just about anything. And so, in regards to porcelain veneers, typically they do not assist with porcelain veneers because they're considered aesthetic only.
For instance, if patient came in and he had a broken tooth, typically, a porcelain crown would be needed for that and not a veneer, because it will give more support to the tooth. Whereas, typically a porcelain veneer are in the front and crowns are typically more in the back. Veneers can be done if there's some color change that needs to be happening in the front or minor lengthening of the tooth to give the shade that you want. But a veneer is not going to wrap around the tooth and give the complete stability that's needed.
If you are considering porcelain veneers, generally most dentists will offer payment options. A lot of dentists will do third-party companies that will help spread out the money for patients and a lot of these third-parties will do no-interest financing for a certain block period of time, and this will allow the patients to kind of spread the money out and pay it in payments like somebody would a car note or something like that. And a lot of these payment plans can be anywhere from three to six months all the way to six, seven years just depending on how much money is wanted to put down or spread out over a period of time. Some dental offices will also do in-house financing and kind of almost do their own insurance type of plan.
So, you'll just have to talk with each individual office to see what they offer as far as these payment options. If you have any other questions, just post them in the comment section below and we'll get back to you with answers.