The August 13, 2019 episode of the Bernie or Bust Show
Always unshaved, unbathed, unedited, and unscripted.
And fueled by coffee and cranberry trail mix.
Chris Hedges - Colonized by Corporations
Renegade Inc: A World of Bullsh*t Jobs
Renegade Inc: Financial Capitalism - The End Game
The Scary Truth Behind TYT's Smears Of Tülsi Gàbbard
Exposed: Clinton Train Paid The Young Turks $20 Million (Trailer) —
Lee Camp - Tulsi Gabbard Sabotaged By Twitter!
Howell’s 2020 Campaign Predictions: You heard it here first!
Why ONLY Bernie Sanders can defeat Donald Trump
Pissed? Sign the New Updated Bernie Or Bust Pledge!
Get your bumper sticker here:
What Does Freedom Mean?
Why Leverage Conversations with Diehard Democrats are Necessary But Painful
"Rigged" by Dean Baker
Revolt Against Plutocracy RAP Sheet (includes KILLER GRAPHICS!!):