
9 BEST Exercises For WIDER Shoulders

9 BEST Exercises For WIDER Shoulders Learn how to get wider broader shoulders with these 9 exercises. This is the best shoulder workout for width, mass, and capped shoulders. Get a V taper upper body with boulder shoulders fast

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Having broad shoulders is something that has been considered attractive for hundreds of years, long before gyms and bodybuilding ever even existed. To clearly see this, you don't need to look any further than the way tuxes and suits have been designed for generations. All suits have the shoulders padded up because we're subconsciously attracted to that v shape. Having an upright posture with wide shoulders and a narrow waist not only communicates that you're healthy, but it also makes you look more confident and more like a leader. Fortunately, we're no longer only limited to just padding up our suits to make our shoulders appear wider, there are certain exercises that can help build up specific parts of your shoulder allowing you to maintain that natural v shape even without a padded suit. And first I want to start with the most obvious exercise which is the lateral raise, but we're going to do a variation to make the exercise much more effective. Normally most people will do lateral raises standing perfectly upright. And even though this isn't necessarily wrong it's not the best way to perform the exercise if you're trying to add width to your shoulders. For this to make sense you have to understand that the shoulder has three heads, anterior, lateral, and posterior or front, middle, and back. To build width we'll want to primarily develop the middle and the back of the shoulder. Most people wind up overdeveloping their front head instead, because on top of isolation exercises like frontal raises that target the front of your shoulder, most people are still also doing plenty of compound pressing exercises like bench press, and military presses, which also primarily target that front head. So to focus on the middle of the shoulder we do lateral raises, assuming that we're completely isolating the lateral head of the shoulder when standing straight up. However when done this way the front of your shoulder will be very highly involved in the movement, almost equally as much as the lateral head that you're trying to target. So to better target the lateral head as well as some of the posterior head you'll want to lean forward. You can do this simply by starting the exercise with your dumbbells in front of your hips rather than to the sides of your hips. This will naturally put you into the correct leaning forward position. Then without swinging your back you would raise both dumbbells directly to your sides with a slight bend in the elbow, making sure to keep the elbows slightly above you writs. You do not want the dumbbells coming high up above the elbows. Continue to bring your arms up until they're parrallel with the floor and then lower back down to the starting position with the dumbbells in front of your hips. If you have a bad back and it bothers you to lean forward you can also do this exercise seated by sliding to the edge of a bench, leaning forward and passing the dumbbells under your legs for each rep. Let's move on to the next exercise which is the bent over reverse cable fly. This one will Target the posterior head or the back of your shoulder which is also very important for building up that wider look. To perform the exercise stand sideways to the cable and bend your upper body until it's almost parallel with the floor. You can use either a handle attachment or you can grab the cable itself. In either case you'll want to keep your arm extended with a slight Bend in your elbow and aim to bring the cable directly to the side of your shoulder, even with your upper body and parrallel to the floor. When raising up you want to again make sure not to bring your hands higher than your elbows. Another excellent exercise is a variation to a dumbbell upright row which some people call bent arm lateral raises. Now regular upright rows with a barbell can help us build up the traps and the shoulders but they also carry the risk of shoulder impingement. Taking a wide grip and only coming up to the sternum decreases that risk of impingement but the risk is still there if you accidentally come up too high or have poor shoulder mobility. So to still get many of the same benefits without the heightened risk of injury you can perform the exercise with dumbbells and with some slight variations. To begin you would once again start leaning slightly forward with arms bent holding two dumbbells resting in front of your hips. Then while keeping the elbows bent at about 90 degrees you're going to raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level but unlike the upright row you're going to keep your...

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