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Coming up:
10. The Deepwater Horizon Disaster Gushed 130 Million Tons Of Oil Into The Ocean
9. Earthquakes May Have Damaged The Fukushima Reactors Long Before The Tsunami
8. The Challenger Disaster Was Caused By An O-Ring, But Only Because Of Poor Decisions
7. The Columbia Disaster Could Potentially Have Been Avoided As Well
6. The Apollo One Fire Almost Put An Early End To US Ambitions To Fly To The Moon
5. The Boeing 737 Max Crashes And Subsequent Scandal Are Harming Boeing’s Reputation
4. The Chernobyl Disaster Was Caused By A Poorly Done Safety Test And Inadequate Design
3. The Grenfell Tower Fire Highlighted The Possibility Of Future, Similar Tragedies
2. The Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Killed 114 People And Injured Another 216
1. The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 Killed 21 People And Injured 150 More
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