
How to Combine Wi-Fi and Cellular Internet on an Android Phone|increase your internet|In Tamil

How to Combine Wi-Fi and Cellular Internet on an Android Phone|increase your internet|In Tamil (This Links going to another site press skip ad)

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hello friends,In this video, I’ll show you how to combine Wi-Fi and Cellular connections on your Android Phone using Speedify app.Speedify is a fast bonding VPN that can combine Wi-Fi and cellular on your smartphone. But more importantly, Speedify detects when one of those connections is weak. Then, it seamlessly transfers your traffic to the other, stronger connection so you never have to deal with dropped calls and interrupted video again. This technology is called Channel Bonding. It’s especially handy if you’re using weaker or over-crowded connections, like Xfinity hotspots or flaky train Wi-Fi.


- Android phone with a mobile data connection
- Wi-Fi Network or Hotspot
- Speedify

First, let’s verify that you have an active mobile data connection on your phone, and that you have your data turned on. To do this, swipe down on your notification bar and check that the mobile data toggle is switched on, or go into “Settings,” tap “Connections,” and “Data Usage” and make sure that mobile data is switched on.Now, connect to a Wi-Fi network. Tap “Settings,” then “Connections,” then Wi-Fi and flip the switch on. You can then select a network from the list that appears. Be aware that you usually have to enter a password for private networks.Now it’s time to start combining Wi-Fi and mobile data on your phone! Begin by downloading Speedify from the Play Store or from the link in the description below if you don’t already have it. When you launch the app, Speedify automatically detects your 2 active connections. You’ll see them contained inside the Connection Bubbles near the top of the Dashboard.

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