
Complex Doom: ClusterF**k - Beasts Unleashed Difficulty

Complex Doom: ClusterF**k - Beasts Unleashed Difficulty I dunno if i should call this a concept or a demo. right now i am unsure if this would go anywhere but anyway heres a demo of something that may prove to be difficult? (i found it to be hard)

The rules of the difficulty are as follows:
Monsters can respawn, deal more damage and are set to "Fast"
Weapon spawns are set to "No Random" (meaning only weapons that supposed to spawn in a location will)
Ark packs and Beacons are disabled (at least should be)
Runes are made more Rare (since legendary+ monsters can respawn)
Ammo Satchels give out less higher tier ammo

things i can considering as well:
spawns will be locked if need be to a certain set.
the Nightmare themed monsters of Chaos Lite might be set to the maximum spawns

and those of you asking about links. this cannot be shared at the moment due to various factors. (one of them is its not even a project yet)


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