So, you've just increased your prices, you've now had a few client meetings, and perhaps they're not gone as you'd hope they would've gone.
The client's not jumping for joy, they're saying you're too expensive, or you're charging more than my previous accountant or I didn't expect to be paying that much and perhaps you've not had them signing your proposals instantly or even at all.
And so when that starts to happen what the logical thing to do is, to think well, I've increased my prices, now people aren't accepting the price, therefore I've got my price wrong.
So let's bring the price back down.
The problem is that perhaps your price is now where it needs to be, but it's other aspects of the equation that's causing that client not to sign up.
So, it's unfair just to consider price, when you need to consider the full equation at work here.
So, what I'm going to do is take you through each aspect of the equation. I'm going to give you some questions to challenge each of those aspects to make sure that they're as robust as they should be. And I'm also going to give you some pointers to improve it, so we can start to take price out as the key culprit.