Trezor: Recovery failed. Error details: Mnemonic is not valid
Ledger: Invalid recovery phrase
or simply: Invalid mnemonic... (or some similar error when trying to restore a BIP39/44 wallet)
Oh Noes...
Every time crypto has a bit of a price pump, I am saddened to see a bunch of people hit forums/reddit/etc who have come back into the space and realised their recovery phrase doesn't work... Half of them end up simply pinching their 24 word seed into scammy online tools or worse, paying for tools/services that are mostly scams and will never work anyway... These exploitative situations should be avoided at all costs...
This is just a super quick "try this first" addition that should be tried before using some of the more heavy weight tools I cover in this video:
Important Notes to Start...
⦁You will need your 24 (or 12) word seed (Even if it has errors)
This will not help you to recover from having lost your 24 word phrase completely... I'm sorry but in this case, there is no means of recovery and anyone who tells you otherwise is out to scam you somehow. (If you still have a hardware wallet for which you no longer have the seed, you should move all coins to a new wallet/seed ASAP)
Need a new hardware wallet?
Be safe and buy them direct from the manufacturer. (Not just through some random on eBay, Amazon, etc)
Get a Ledger:
You can even keep the same 24 word phrase on your new wallet.
If this was helpful, feel free to send me a tip:
BTC: 37hiiSB1Poj6Shs8WawPS2HjT2jzHkFSQi
LTC: MRWnUcsyofisVp5GvX7nxMog5caneycKZ6
ETH: 0x14b2E26021d0Ce8E2cE6a2Eb6E2690714bB18E17
VTC: vtc1qxauv20r2ux2vttrjmm9eylshl508q04uju936n
ZEN: znUihTHfwm5UJS1ywo911mdNEzd9WY9vBP7