
Transgender Track Star Tells How It's Actually A Disadvantage To Compete Against Women

Transgender Track Star Tells How It's Actually A Disadvantage To Compete Against Women Tennis legend Martina Navratilova has already been excommunicated for her “transphobic” op-ed arguing that trans women are cheating when they participate in women’s sports, and she was dumped as an advisor to Athlete Ally, which explained her comments were “transphobic, based on false data, and perpetuate dangerous myths that lead to the ongoing targeting of trans people.” So anyone who doesn’t want to be called transphobic had better accept that biological males competing in women’s sports is completely normal. ESPN’s on board, and it showed when it interviewed Franklin Pierce University’s CeCe Telfer. A Telfer sees it, she’s the one at a disadvantage because the hormone replacement therapy is shrinking her muscles. -- Outside The Lines @OTLonESPN: “"If anything, me competing against cisgender females is a disadvantage…"@FPUathletics track star CeCe Telfer talks about the physical challenges she faces while competing as a transgender woman.” -- ? @existsintheory_: “Complete lies”

Allen Hawkins @allenhawkins51: “I'm at a loss here” -- Theresa @Terribnice: “Oh come on. BS” -- Art Stapleton @therealLilXan: “Wrong, estrogen protects bone density and muscle loss and she’s getting a dose of that all the time, also she was not even close to a top male runner then converts and becomes one of the best, I would be upset if I had to race against her.” -- Thoward @thoward_1: “No, no & no.” -- 𝒩💍𝑒𝓁 @noelL69153286: “This is not fair at all.” -- Laurie Hairston (BRICKHOUSE) @IFBB_PRO_Laurie: -- Rudy Harris @t0eknife: “Load of 💩. This should not be celebrated.” -- Kesara @super_kesara: “Give me an F-ing break. This is a travesty in woman’s sports. Do men have to dominate everything? Ridiculous!” -- Chibi James Madison @trueholygoat: “Nope! Nice try, tho. 😂😂😂” -- Kate Schmidt @Kate_KS_330: “wrong”

Geneva Kachman @GKachman: “Take a gander at :29 seconds. Says it all.” -- Mari Mar @MariMar19696367: “Is this a joke? This person is breaking women's records without any problems. … #PeakTrans” -- StopTheMadness @pudelzrock: “Disadvantage? He only started winning when he started competing against women. I can’t believe any woman would show up to compete in such a farce. If they stopped showing up, women would stop this nonsense immediately. If they’re going to lose anyway, what’s the point?” -- H.P. Loveshaft @HLoveshaft: “"You lose a lot of strength…because, you know, testosterone is where you get your strength, your agility…" Hey idiot! You…are…competing…against…females. Saying you're "at a disadvantage" for lowered testosterone levels is asinine.” -- Laurel Van Driest @lvandriest: “So she has to follow what is called a training regimen. Clearly other female athletes just smoke and drink and fast food to their heart’s desire. I want good things for CeCe but this is delusional.”

Mich @Mich_Mouse1: “Ok, then compete against males if competing against actual woman is a disadvantage.” -- Sam❌ @samiknight7: “Don't complete against females then. Then the women won't be disadvantaged. Simple” -- MadMom😡Our Lady of Perpetual WTAF @Nosci_fi: “Smartest conversation in sports is your tag line? Is this a joke?” -- John B @jbee193: “Absurd, but ESPN has fallen into the abyss a long time ago.” -- And a final note: -- Cindy Stickline-Rose @CSRose1963: “Females. We're females. That says it all. "Cis" is a pejorative to females.”

Twitchy: ‘Cheating’: Martina Navratilova under fire after saying trans women shouldn’t compete in women’s sports

Twitchy: Martina Navratilova CALLS OUT the ACLU over hot take on trans-women athletes

Twitchy: Transgender track star tells how it’s actually a disadvantage to compete against women


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