
I Landed In Jail Because Of Chicken Theft

I Landed In Jail Because Of Chicken Theft 🍀 If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address -

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Hi there friends! His name is Theodore, and he want to share his strange story with you about how when he was 19 years old, he wound up in jail because of chicken theft.

They lived in a village, and our main source of income was our garden. Not that there was much to earn, but without a garden and a small farm they would have starved, but they somehow get by now. Of course though, they never have leftovers or spares, but they haven’t needed to beg yet.

He spent almost all of his time helping his parents out with chores - a sizable farm needs a lot of effort, and if he wanted to eat in the winter he had to swing his shovel Spring to Autumn. You can probably understand why he didn’t have time for school under these circumstances.

Soon after, their chickens started dying. The hen hatched 20 eggs this summer, and they protected them with all our strength as a family, but something just didn’t take. One day they missed a fox crawling in the coop, and made it in time to save most of the chicks after hearing the commotion, though 3 didn’t make it. They were really upset, because they counted on each of those chickens. Well, they patched up the hole and watched even more carefully.

Later on, the remaining chicks started leaving the coop to graze on grass. The mother hen was really active and protective, but couldn’t do anything against a super fast hawk. So they lost our remaining 10 chicks, and the mother hen as she was trying to protect her chicks.

Without chickens, our food savings and rations steadily dropped. They didn’t have money for meat, and just eating vegetables wasn’t very gratifying at all. They couldn’t afford new chickens either. So he had to make a decision to a bad deed.

At night he got into his neighbour’s chicken coop and took a couple of egg-laying hens, and a mother hen. He didn’t feel too guilty - the neighbour wasn’t really a good guy, and he also had the funds to get back up. So he quickly got the mother hen onto some eggs, and the egg-laying ones in the coop to do their job. he didn’t tell his parents and they didn’t ask.

But he just couldn’t count on his luck going through. The very next day, the neighbour showed up to our yard to complain about some dumb reason or other. He started to talk about how a few days ago that his hens disappeared and that he was angry, and he misspoke like a dolt and said that our situation wasn’t better, much worse in fact - and that they hadn’t had chickens for a few weeks. And of course, one of the chickens picked this time to loudly cry out… Well, the neighbour immediately went in the coop and saw his chickens. He wanted to sort something out in a good manner, but he was unpleasant and immediately said he’d report the theft, as his civic duty - and called the police.

So, he got sent to a juvenile labour correctional facility for a whole half-year. Can you imagine, the nickname they gave him when they found out he was there because of chicken theft? Let him just tell you that having that kind of name in jail was worse than jailing for theft. But hey, you eventually get used to everything.

In the end, it wasn’t so bad. I’m a fighter and he had strength to spare, and that was really treasured in the jail. So he was always able to fight back, and he earned his right to a quiet stay. He even got a little attached, and decided to not waste his time there.

In that half year, he managed to get a decent level in both mechanics and different school subjects. There were many different folks in the jail community, including those with educational backgrounds, and they helped him where books weren’t really enough. So he was actually doing quite well.

When he got out, he decided to get a higher education. A steady job is nice on the money, and living by gardening and risking his freedom over a pathetic chicken wasn’t really for him anymore. So, in the time before getting his degree, he studied a bit more himself, and that summer, surprisingly, got good exam results!

You know, guys, studying really is necessary, at least to get out of similar silly situation like his own with the chickens. And of course, developing your skills is possible anywhere, but learning in a jail can be a bit sketchy!

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