How to submit your character:
There are two ways to submit your OC
Instagram: Use the hashtag l2dmdrawmyoc
Email: a picture of your character to the email l2dmdrawmyoc@gmail.com
2. Please include the following information in the email/post.
- Your first name or nickname so I can say who the character is created by.
- Your character’s name, age, personality, hobbies, things they like and dislike, any other info you think is needed.
- If the picture of your character is not colored please describe their color scheme: eye color, hair color, skin color, outfit colors. If I don’t know the colors of your character I won’t be able to draw them.
3. Your character’s design needs to be family friendly or else I won’t draw them. ^^
4. Please don’t send more the one email. It’s okay if you mess-up in the first email and need to correct something by sending another email, but please don’t send multiple emails. This does not increase your chances of being picked. =)
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