
How to know if it is appendix pain?

How to know if it is appendix pain? Appendix is organ which is located in between small and large intestine. It catches infections far quicker than any other organ. If appendicitis due to viral infection it can be treated by antibiotics. If patient doesn't respond to medication then appendix need to be removed. Appendicitis is inflammation or infection of the appendicitis. It is located in between large intestine and small intestine. It doesn't serve any importance to the body. It can get infected very easily. It is usually seen in young adults .It can happen older adult also but usually happens in young adults more. Symptoms are usually pain in abdomen, vomiting and fever. It can diagnosed by physical examination. If there is any dilemma CT scan or ultra sound are suggested.
It a very much emergency surgical procedure. It can be treated medically but it can cause severe complications later on. Better to treat it surgically to avoid further complications. Appendicitis is a condition which can be treated only by a surgery. Previously this surgery was done by open surgery method. Now laparoscopic appendectomy is considered better option for appendicitis. It only uses 3 instruments one is telescopic instrument other two operating instruments. All these instruments are 5mm thick only. With this procedure recovery time is quick and scars will be less.

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