In fact they understand their mechanics in such detail that they can watch video of themselves and know immediately if something is not working right.
Obviously the more you know your optimal Pitching mechanics the more you will be.doing the following:
1. Pitching at optimal velocity consistently.
2. Pitching with safe and effective mechanics.
3. Commanding all quadrants of the strike zone consistently.
4. Commanding all of your pitches for strikes consistently.
There is no question that the key word for all of the above statements is CONSISTENTLY!
In fact being a great baseball player is simply defined as being good CONSISTENTLY.
Certainly that is unrealistic. Whether you are a pitcher or a hitter, understanding how you need to move and think to be consistently good is your recipe for success.
In fact anything less than this makes you an inconsistent player thus not a valuable player thus not allowing you to play baseball or softball into your high school years and beyond.
There is no question that if you want to have a long career into College as a player, understanding what you need to do to be consistent is the only way you will achieve this!
Do you know how to be consistent as a hitter or a pitcher?
Do you know how you need to move and think to be consistently good? Not Great.