
The Real Reason You Should Stop Eating These Kinds Of Fish

The Real Reason You Should Stop Eating These Kinds Of Fish We're often told to eat fish for our health, yet at the same time faced with constant warnings about some of our favorite varieties. So which types of fish should you really strive to avoid? Let's explore the real reasons you should stop eating certain kinds of fish.

The swordfish is a predatory fish. Good news if you are a swordfish, but bad news for us, because mercury moves up the food chain, meaning this fish is full of it. Plus, overfishing has led to population decline, while the long line fishing method used to catch swordfish often threatens endangered species like turtles and sea birds.

The largest of tuna, an adult Pacific bluefin can reach 1,400 pounds or more. But they rarely get the chance. Demand is so high that the fish sell for outrageous amounts.

That demand has led to many bluefin being fished before they reach adulthood and reproduce. As of 2016, populations of Pacific bluefin tuna had declined by 97 percent, and the fish is fast on its way to joining the official list of endangered species.

Chilean sea bass aren't bass, and most aren't from Chile either. Properly called the toothfish, a wave of popularity in the ‘90s drove the Chilean sea bass nearly to extinction. In 2002, chefs and fisheries banded together to boycott toothfish until worldwide stocks have recovered. Some claim that has now happened, but even if that is true, high mercury levels should place it on your “avoid” list anyway.

Watch the video to learn the real reason you should stop eating these kinds of fish!

#Fish #Seafood #Sushi

Swordfish | 0:17
Pacific bluefin tuna | 0:34
Chilean sea bass | 1:07
Catfish | 1:32
Atlantic cod | 2:00
Shark | 2:22
American eel | 3:11
Sole | 3:29
Escolar | 4:11

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