
Most Popular Emoji World

Most Popular Emoji World Most Popular Emoji World

Identified the most popular emoji in different countries of the world.
The company Nooshpere Technologies analyzed several billion messages on the Internet sent by residents of different countries of the world. It turned out that every fourth message contains at least one emoji. Also, the analysis showed which emojis are most often sent by users from different countries.
People actively use emoji. Smiles are fixed in 15% of the messages sent by users. More Emoji popularity is seen only in France.
The most popular Emoji became a yellow-red light, a heart and a smiley-weeping smile. The latest emoji is incredibly popular around the world. It is most often used in the USA, Mexico, Spain, the UK and other countries. Another of the most popular Emoji was the birthday cake.
Users post the most emoji on Instagram (34% of the total number of emoji sent), Facebook (18%) and Twitter (13%). Women use Emoji and a half times more often than men. Such statistics are seen in most countries of the world.
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