
Mel Clarke - Feeling out of sorts for a couple of days

Mel Clarke - Feeling out of sorts for a couple of days After being on a webinar last night with SFM friends I was feeling numb and when a friend asked if I was OK, I cracked and burst into tears.

It took me by surprise as I thought I was OK about not having the new job, but clearly not.

My ego took over because of the financial element and I felt offended at the offer I was given even though it was the highest level he could offer me.

I was on a coaching call before this video and it became so obvious that my actions were driven from the ego and not from my higher self. The reality is I could earn more money at the new job through commission but I wasn't even thinking about that when I turned it down, I just felt offended and that I could not reduce my basic.

Now nobody wants to take less money but I felt I really needed to get out of my current company due to the black energy and feeling like a number and not a person. The new company seems a much nicer environment where I would be valued and yet that wasn't enough in the moment.

We all have gut feelings, and know how our heart feels, but a lot of people will ignore those feelings in favour of the ego and the head. Going with the head is the wrong thing to do mostly and I know this.....

So I want to get back to my intuition, my gut feelings and most importantly trust myself and the unknown....because the universe knows better than I do what will be the next great thing for my journey.

Love & Light x

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