
ICE takes someone directly from Town of Cicero custody

ICE takes someone directly from Town of Cicero custody Update: There's now a petition about this/ahorra hay una peticion para que el Town no colabore con ICE. Sign here/firmen aqui:

La migra se llevo a alguien directamente desde el edificio del Town de Cicero la ma/nana del martes 14 de Mayo a las 9 a.m. El Town de Cicero se reusa a aprovar una ordenanza prohibiendo cooperacion con la migra. Si tienen informacion de la persona o necesitan apoyo por favor llamar a la linea de ayuda al 1-855-435-7693

ICE took someone directly from the Town of Cicero the morning of May 14th at around 9am. The Town of Cicero has refused to pass an ordinance prohibiting this type of behavior. If you know the person that was taken or need support, contact the family support hotline at 1-855-435-7693.

Town of Cicero,Chicago,ICE,Deportations,Immigration,

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