These small portable radios will be your lifeline to the world after a disaster. I recommend you get ones with shortwave and single side band capabilities and I review several high value models here. Brands shown will be Jameson, Tecsun, CountyComm, Tivdio. All are tiny for integration into your BOK and with Lithium AA batteries, very lightweight.
I'll show you how I had the hobby of pulling in long distance ham radio and shortwave frequencies with these radios. It's a fun pastime. But when you have nothing much to do in WROL it can provide entertainment and valuable information on what the heck is going on. All the radios reviewed here are chosen for their performance to value ratio and it's amazing how much quality you get for so little. I paid $225 for the "Yacht Boy" radio shown in the 90s!
TECSUN PL-310ET FM Stereo/SW/MW/LW World Band radio, shown, highly rec'd, just $48!:
Also the Sangean, C Crane radios are excellent, recommended
AWESOME radio I didn't have at the review, the Retekess V115 has direct keypad entry, only $25!:
Retekess V117 Shortwave pocket radio, 2AA, xlnt:
Tivdio V111 portable radio with earphones, speaker, just $14:
Jameson tiny AF FM pocket radio, shown, just $20: and
Tecsun PL880 Portable Digital PLL Dual Conversion AM/FM, Longwave & Shortwave Radio with SSB , high quality, high value, probably best for tripping or home use but xlnt pull in power:
Meloson M8 Rechargeable AM/FM DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Radio, xlnt but uses cell batts as discussed:
C Crane Skywave SSB Shortwave high quality receiver, $170 and worth it: and
Shortwave reel antennas:
CountyComm GP5 James Bond Shortwave radio, shown: