
Could blockchain help with markets, for example, the commodities futures markets?

Could blockchain help with markets, for example, the commodities futures markets? I had an interesting discussion with a mathematical expert on commodities trading, in particular commodities futures, and as a result, went off and had a look at the Black-Scholes equation.

I've never been a big fan of calculus or analysis (being more of an algebraist myself), but I think I've grasped the gist of it.

I can't help wondering if the strong ordering property of blockchain, combined with batching through block additions (or perhaps just relying on ordering in a DAG) together with smart contracts could add some further stability and reliability to such markets.

But I must confess, I am far from being an expert in this area. Still, it's just a thought.

blockchain,futures,black-scholes,options,commodities trading,markets,

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