On the 8th of May Major Marian Słowiński celebrated his 100th birthday. He was congratulated and
honoured in a special ceremony by the Dutch ambassador in Warsaw, who delivered the special
congratulations on behalf of his Majesty the King of Holland, Willem-Alexander. The Dutch
ambassador himself was born in the city of Breda (liberated by Marian in October 1944) and also
thanked him personally for his participation with the liberation of Holland. He thanked Marian and his
wife, Józefa, with special words of gratitude for the many pleasant and interesting visits they brought
to the Dutch embassy in Warsaw; with strong feelings of respect and personal gratitude and a feeling
of Pride that he is able to know Marian and his wife so well. Also, a special delegation from the Dutch
Army was present to honour Marian in a military fashion on behalf of the Dutch Army. The Dutch
people will never forget their liberators, and will keep their memory alive! All of us in Holland wish
Marian and Józefa many Healthy and Happy Years to come!