
Exclusive Interview of Vice Dean of Ternopil National Medical University- Singla Consultancy

Exclusive Interview of Vice Dean of Ternopil National Medical University- Singla Consultancy TSMU was founded on 12 April 1957 as a Ternopil Medical Institute. On July 1, 1992, the institute was named after Ivan Horbachevsky. On December 30, 1997, it received the status of State Medical Academy, and on 17 November 2004, after reorganization, the institution became Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University.

The teaching staff includes over 600 professors, among them 102 Doctors of Science and full professors, and 460 associate professors. The staff includes two Corresponding and one Full Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, 11 Merited Scientists of Ukraine, 3 Merited Inventors of Ukraine, 2 Merited Teachers of Ukraine and 4 Merited Doctors of Ukraine.

Ternopil State Medical University is listed in the FAIMER (International Medical Education) directory under ECFMG and the WHO (World Health Organization) directory of Medical Universities/Schools. TSMU’s degree is recognized by WHO, US Education Department, General Medical Council of England, and in EU countries.

For more information about MBBS in Ukraine contact Singla Consultancy- MBBS Abroad:
M: +91 9988837633, 8847043861

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